Jolly Time
Hi lovelies and beau’s, welcome back to another Purposeful Pursuit Monday. In today’s post, I will answer some fun, some silly, and some in-depth holiday questions. After all, this is the time of year when joy, laughter, and family-fun is in the air. You can join in on this as well! Comment your answers down below or send over to Or spark a conversation with your family or friends this festive season. sharing them with family and friends.
For a little warm up, this or that questions will be first.
Real tree or artificial tree? I’m more of an artificial girly
Colored lights or white lights? I prefer the classics aka white lights
Wrapped gifts or gift bags? Wrapped gifts 100%
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve
Christmas music or Christmas movies? This one is tough but I think I prefer the music
Play games or watch a movie? If you know me this one is easy
Grinch or Elf? Team Buddy
Dress casual or dress up? Cute and casual, is my favorite :)
How was that? Too easy? From here on out, it’s only going to get more and more interesting. Stay tuned for what’s ahead. Round 1: Would You Rather?
Would you rather receive only handmade gifts or only store-bought gifts? Both but I love seeing people’s creativity and passion shine through handmade gifts!
Would you rather have Christmas at noon or Christmas Dinner at night? Christmas Dinner
Would you rather hang mistletoe or stockings by the fireplace? Stockings by the fireplace
Would you rather make Christmas cookies from scratch or buy pre-made ones? If I had any baking skill, I would cook from scratch
Would you rather decorate the outside of your house with Christmas lights or the inside with garlands? Outside with Christmas lights
Would you rather have Rudolph as your pet or Frosty the snowmen as your neighbor? Rudolph
Would you rather go caroling door-to-door or watch a Christmas choir performance? I’d do either/or. I’ve have always wanted to do door-to-door caroling
Would you rather eat gingerbread cookies or peppermint bark? I would like to try peppermint bark
Would you rather receive only practical gifts or only fun gifts for Christmas? Either/or as both would be useful for something
Would you rather have a Christmas tree that’s 10 feet tall or a tabletop tree? Inside the house, I’d rather have a tabletop but outside I’m open to having a big tree!
Receive 20 small presents or 1 really big gift? I’m not picky but I think 20 small presents could be fun. It could be Deal or No Deal style.
Have Christmas everyday or no Christmas at all? Brutal.. Christmas everyday, I think. Just Christmas Groundhog Day
Live in a snow globe or a gingerbread house? Wasn’t there a Hallmark movie about living in a snow globe? Snow globe for me
Deal with a grumpy reindeer or an angry elf? A grumpy reindeer. After all the pets and treats, I’ll make him feel right at home
Have cheeks like roses or a nose like a cherry? Cheeks like roses
Give the perfect present or receive the perfect present? Give
Travel on the Polar Express or on Santa’s Sleigh? All aboard the sleigh ride!
Wrap 100 presents or write 100 cards? I struggle with wrapping and enjoy writing so 100 cards it is
Receive 11 pipers pipping or 10 drummers drumming? Send the drummers my way, please. I played the drums once upon a time
For around 2, it’s more about the speed and quick thinking with Name 3. Unfortunately, being quick-witted is not my strong suit so we will have to see how this goes. Maybe we could team up and tackle this together?
Name 3 Christmas traditions: 1) holiday church service, 2) opening gifts on Christmas Eve, 3) The pickle
Name 3 stocking stuffers: 1) Money, 2) Candy, 3) Stickers?
Name 3 types of Christmas Desserts: 1) Eggnog? 2) … 3) …
Name 3 Christmas decorations: 1) Christmas lights, 2) Ornaments, 3) Garland
Name 3 Christmas Carols: 1) We Wish You A Merry Christmas, 2) Deck the Halls, 3) Feliz Navidad
Name 3 Christmas greetings: 1) Merry Christmas, 2) Feliz Navidad, 3 Happy Holidays
Name 3 things Santa might say: 1) Ho Ho Ho, 2) Merry Christmas? 3) Have a good night…
Name 3 of Santa’s reindeer: 1) Rudolph, 2) Dancer, 3) Prancer
How did you do? Were those questions easier or harder than you thought they would be? The dessert one stumped me. Now for round 3, we are moving on to the more hard-hitting questions:
What’s your go-to Christmas breakfast? I don’t have any
Have you ever re-gifted a present? Yes
What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever been given? “Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you’ll save. Better lock it in your pocket it. Taking this one to the grave” Secret by The Pierces
Do you have any holiday travel plans this year? No, I enjoy being home and around family during the holidays
What’s one Christmas food you look forward to every year? Peppermint shake
Do you prefer a white Christmas or a tropical Christmas on the beach? White Christmas. Although I love the hot weather, it wouldn’t be the same without the snow and cold weather
How do you feel about Christmas shopping in November vs. December? This is the first year I got all my shopping done in November. It honestly feels so weird and kind of off-putting but I’m excited to give everyone their gifts!
What’s your favorite Christmas ornament on the tree? The pickle or the collection of Barbie related ornaments I’ve received from family over the years
What’s a Christmas tradition you wish you knew more about? Hmm, I’m not really sure. Maybe how the Barbie ornament collection got started?
What’s a holiday activity that makes you feel like a kid again? Handing out gifts
Have you ever participated in a Christmas cookie exchange? No but I need to try this
What’s your favorite memory of Santa Claus growing up? I don’t have one. People dressed up in costumes scared me as a baby/kid
Which of your relatives are the worst gift givers? I think it’s me. I tend to forget what I get someone from year-to-year. I’ve had people hint to me that I already gave them mugs or ornaments. On the flip-side, I love all the gifts I’m given!
What would your reindeer’s name be? Star
Which of your family members is likeliest to wait until the last minute to finish Christmas shopping? This is something that runs in my family. Honestly, there should be an ongoing contest to see who waits the longest each year
Do you own an ugly Christmas sweater? No
When do you put up your Christmas tree? In December
Have you ever lied and told someone their present was “still in the mail” when really, you had not bought it yet? Oddly specific but I don’t believe so…
What Christmas carols get stuck in your head the most? We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Deck the Halls, and Feliz Navidad
What are your feelings on Black Friday Shopping? I think it’s cool. I’ve never done it but I’m always impressed by those who do
Next up for round 4 is more deep, in-depth questions aka the questions I enjoy having a discussion about. The more vulnerable we are with those closest to us, the more aware we become of our own life. A few years ago, a family member who will remain anonymous, told me something in confidence. It made me realize that they’ve had to deal with some hard emotions too within the family and they’ve felt left out and forgotten. Sometimes when dealing with relationships that mean the most to us or we feel that they hold a powerful grasp over us, it can be difficult to start those tough discussions. I think those are the most important because not only can it provide clarity on a situation but it can heal wounds that we all carry. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy sharing parts of my life even the mishaps, the embarrassing moments, and the mistakes. We are all human, we all have scars. Some are just more hidden than others.
What tradition could you do without? This is a hard one because I don’t feel like my family has a lot to begin with but if I had to choose something, I would say changing holiday get together locations every year maybe to switch things up. My mother enjoys having people over but it’s rare that she hosts a get together. I’ll be out here trying to make her dreams come true in 2025
If you could have one present, what would it be? To feel loved and a part of something bigger than myself
How do you typically spend Christmas? I’ve celebrated Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember with my mother. Sometimes, we would go over to another family members house afterwards and sometimes we wouldn’t. Then, the next day we would visit whoever was available that day. My family is typically split between Eve/Day
What’s your most memorable Christmas memory? The year we played the Whisper Challenge. Everyone got involved. It was also one of the last years we all got together at the same time. Those days were the best!
How did you spend last Christmas? Christmas Eve, I celebrated with my mother and then, we went to my brother’s house. Christmas Day, we went over to my other brother’s house. This year it will just be my mother and I.
Worst present you’ve ever received? I have yet to receive one. I cherish all the gifts I receive from family and friends. To me, gift giving is less about the price and more about the loving care and thought put into each item
What makes Christmas special for you? Getting a chance to not only brighten someone’s day but also shower the people I love with gifts and attention
Where would your dream place to spend Christmas be? My ideal place to spend Christmas is at home
What is your ideal winter wonderland? I picture a blizzard of sorts with piles of snow, enough to make a snowman out of and snow angels, flurries dropping from the sky, and icicles hanging from the ledges
Favorite Christmas movies? Growing up, I watched Frosty the Snowman, Polar Express, Home Alone, Elf, Santa Clause (1, 2, & 3)
And just like that we’re done! I hope you had some fun, following along today. I look forward to seeing you next Monday, December 16th, 2024. In the meantime, have a wonderful month!
As a signature of this blog, I like to end each post with a suggestion to “Pass on kindness”. There is no such time as the present to “Inspire Those Who Inspire You”. Acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, can have a direct, positive impact on someone else. Go out there today and change someone’s life for the better.
***These are my personal opinions and may not be those of my employer***